Monday, March 24, 2008

Thing 14

I'm not entirely sure what I would do with LibraryThing. If I didn't already think of the catalog I work with as "mine," I might be prompted to add my personal collection here. But I live in a very, very, very, small apartment. I have had to cull my herd. I'm not sure my personal collection reflects my reading joys much as the REALLY expensive books I couldn't simply donate away.

I can totally see the social aspects of the sight being cool. However, I have a profile with Hennepin County's, and I use it a lot. The social networking, book lists and comments options on Bookspace fill my needs fully. (And I don't feel limited to my poor little collection at home.)

If I were not a librarian...but simply super nit picky, I could see organising my catalog this way.

I wish they had a site like this that isn't just for books, but for collections in general. That would be super fun. I met a man in Malibu, CA who has a HUGE wine collection, and a terrible system for cataloging it. I feel like he would benefit from something like this two-fold. He would keep better track of what he has, and what he needs. He would also have a public forum for bragging rights. (He did come off as the kind of guy who really wants you to KNOW how cool his collection is.) Same goes for my fella, who unfortunately has had to cull his collection too. However, at one point he had the raddest Star Wars collection ever. He's also the kind of guy who would like a nit-picky little system for cataloging it.

See my five titles at:

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