Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing 22

No problem. I'm in it to win it. I'm marring a techie this summer who must have and inform on the newest-latest-greatest. But I'm no slouch myself! And just to let you know I'm serious, I added all those really great Blog links from the 22 prompt to my very own blog! That way I can connect from here, "Things" or no.

I also added some links that have nothing to do with libraries, and everything to do with wasting time. So sue me.

I'll try to keep Jessi's-Log going, but I may regress to making silly photo montages for a while. There might be a rash of Wedding shots as well. (I'm not above it, I get to be wedding crazy for at least 6 more months.) But for now, I'll use it as a hub of operations...Heck! I could even link to my Myspace and Facebook profiles from here.

Officially, I'm plugged in...and I'm feelin' the need for feed.

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